Article 33 The People's Bank of China shall have the power to demand banking institutions to submit according to regulations balance sheets of their assets, statements of profit and loss and other financial and accounting reports and data. 第三十三条中国人民银行有权要求金融机构按照规定报送资产负债表、损益表以及其他财务会计报表和资料。
Nomura and 11 other major Japan-based brokers are due to give Japan's Financial Services Agency detailed reports on their internal controls next week. 野村和11家其他主要日本经纪商将在下周向日本金融厅(FinancialServicesAgency)提交有关其内控详情的报告。
Financial institutions and other businesses must abide by laws and regulations, such as MiFID, and SOX, to reduce financial risk and create accurate accounting reports. 金融机构和其他商业组织必须遵守法律规章,比如MiFID和SOX,才能降低金融风险并得出精确的会计报告。
In other words, when it is clear that an assumption of continued existence would result in misleading financial reports, then the assumption is not made. 换句话说,在继续存在的假设显然会引起财务报告具有误导作用这种情况下,就不能做出这种假定。
I had to prepare income statements, balance sheets and other financial reports, especially at the end of a financial year. 就是要准备损益计算书、资产负债表和其他财务报告,尤其是每个财政年度结束。
Today banks and other financial institutions are filing far more detailed reports on those repo and credit derivatives trades, and regulators are exchanging that information between themselves. 如今,银行等金融机构提交的关于回购和信用衍生品交易的报告要比以往详尽得多,各个监管机构也在相互交换此类信息。
Then forecasted the sale amount of oil by using sale forecasting model, estimated income and other date, made financial reports and evaluation; 其次应用销量预测模型预测成品油销量,估算销售收入等数据,并在估算其他相关数据的基础上编制财务报表,进行财务评价;
In the recognition and measurement of financial report as well as the disclosure of other financial reports, consistent financial accounting concepts should be used. 在财务报表中的确认和计量中,以及在其他财务报告的披露事项中,都应当运用前后一致的财务会计概念。
A financial report is composed of financial report forms and related information, including report annotations and other branch of financial reports. However, people often ignore the revealing, analysing and utilizing of this information. 财务报告是由财务报表和表外信息(包括报表附注与其他财务报告)组成,但人们经常忽视表外信息的披露、分析和利用。
In order to indicate the characteristic essence of financial accounting, the author recognize that financial statements are the central feature of financial reporting and other methods of communicating information such as notes to financial statements, supplementary schedules and other reports are secondary means. 为了指明财务会计的本质特点,我认为财务报表是财务报告的中心部分,而报表附注、其他财务报告等传送财务信息方法仅是次要的手段。
But stand the perspective of individual enterprises, on the one hand, it can not alter the existing accounting rules and accounting standards; on the other hand, there are obligations in accordance with the requirements of accounting standards for accounting, making standard financial reports. 但站在单个企业的角度,一方面无法左右现行的会计制度、会计准则,另一方面还有义务按照会计准则的要求对经济事项进行计量、核算、出具规范的财务报表。
Accounting information is the information that the company conveys the financial position, operating results, cash flows and other information to investors, governments and other stakeholders through the financial reports. 会计信息是指公司通过财务报告的方式向投资者、政府等相关者传递有关公司财务状况、经营成果、现金流量等方面的信息。
Looking from the disclosure method of financial report, our government financial report is consisted of financial statement and other financial reports. 从财务报告的披露方式看,我国的政府财务报告应由财务报表和其他财务报告组成。